How to Set Achievable Writing Goals: 7 Writing Tips
I get a lot of questions about how to manage writing time. That question has an involved answer, but I believe it starts with learning to set manageable…
4 min read
How to Redefine Failure in Your Writing Life
Failure and the fear of failure are always hot topics of conversation. It’s also a topic writers are very familiar with. ‘Failure’ has several dictionary definitions. According to…
4 min read
Writing Tools: BIRD BY BIRD by Anne Lamott
There are tons of craft books on the shelves for writers. They can be a great investment–many are written by accomplished authors and writing teachers, and they’re cheaper…
4 min read
How to Create Strong Characters: 3 Writing Tips
I love reading strong characters, and I love creating them even more! A lot of advice on how to create strong characters tends to start with a character…
4 min read